Chapter 10: Retargeting Site Visitors That Don’t Sign Up

Hey there friends!

There is a powerful feature in your Facebook advertising account called remarketing that allows you to track visitors from your website to show them your ads when they are on Facebook.

In this lesson we are going to show you how you can use this feature to keep promoting your lead capture form to those website visitors that don’t submit your sign-up form.


Then let’s do this!

Getting Started

Retargeting Site Visitors

Start on your Facebook advertising dashboard by going to the URL while logged in to your account.

What you are going to do now is to locate your Facebook tracking pixel so you can install it on the website or page that you want to track visitors that ignore your sign-up page.

First, click on the tools menu button and then on “pixels”.

If you haven’t added a Facebook tracking code to your account, all you’ll have to do is to click on the “add new data source” button, and then on the “Facebook pixel” option to name and create your new tracking code.

Please note that you can only create one tracking code if you have a personal account.

In this case, we’ve already created a tracking code for marketing.

After you create a tracking code, you can set it up by clicking on the “set up pixel” button.

Now click on “manually install pixel code yourself”.

Next, locate and click on the “pixel code” to copy it to your clipboard.

Now you have to install this code on your website, or on the page where you installed a sign-up form.

In this lesson, we are going to show you how to install it on a WordPress website, using our website as example.

If you’re not using WordPress, you will need to locate the header section in your website’s code to paste the code in there.

If you’re using WordPress, the easiest method is to paste it directly through the code editor.

To enter the editor, go to your site’s dashboard and move over the “appearance” tab in the left-hand menu, and click on “theme editor”.

Now move to the “theme files” menu and locate “theme header”.

Click on it, and locate the “<head>” tag.

Now paste the code right below this tag, and click on the “update file” button.

Now go back to where you left on Facebook, and click on the “continue” button.

Next, click on “manually install event code”.

This option will allow you to install code that tracks specific actions.

In this case, you have to install code that will help you track visitors that only browse and read content, but that don’t interact with the sign-up forms on your site.

The event that’ll help you track this is “view content”.

Click on the “view content” tab, and then copy the event code below.

Now go back to the code editor on your website, locate the “</head>” tag, and paste the event code right below this tag.

Click on “update field” to start tracking this event.

Go back to Facebook, and then click on “done”.

Creating The Remarketing Campaign

Creating Remarketing Campaign

Now it is time to create the remarketing campaign.

Start by clicking on the “create ad” button.

On the following page, click on the “conversions” tab in the “marketing objective” column.

Enter a name for this new campaign into the “campaign name” field, and then click on the “ad set” column on the left-hand sidebar.

Now it is time to set up the ad set.

First, enter the name of this new ad set into the “ad set name” field.

Now go to the “conversion” section.

Make sure that “website” is selected as the conversion, and click on the “select a conversion event” field.

Now click on “view event” to select it as the conversion event.

Now scroll down to the “audience” section. Select your target “locations”, your target “age” and “gender”.

Now scroll down to the “budget and schedule” section.

Select a budget strategy, enter your budget total, your maximum bid, and select when to launch your ad.

Now click on “continue”.

Creating The Ad

Creating Ad

Now it is time to create the ad!

Start by entering the name of this new ad into the “ad name” field.

Now click on the “Facebook page” menu in the “identity” section to select the page that will represent your business in your ad.

Now select your ad format.

For this example, we are going to select “single image or video” to add the cover of our email incentive in the ad.

Now click on “add media” and then on “add image” to upload and select the image that’ll go on your ad.

Next, go to the “links” section and enter your ad copy into the “primary text” field.

You can also enter a “headline” and “description”, but these are optional.

Now select “website” as “destination” and insert your lead capture page URL into the “website URL” field.

Now click on the “call to action” menu and select the correct CTA button for this ad.

Your new ad is ready, so now you can click on “confirm” to launch your campaign!


Latest Email Marketing Techniques

Chapter 9: Setting Up A Lead Generation Campaign On Facebook

Chapter 11: Engaging Subscribers That Don’t Open Your Emails